Тип работы:
Язык работы:

Конструкция системы гибридного питания для автономного потребителя

Работа №8606

Тип работы

Магистерская диссертация



Объем работы79
Год сдачи2016
Стоимость2350 руб.
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Introduction 1
1. Energy situation in Russian Federation 3
1.1. Decentralized power supply system 3
1.1.1. Consequences 4
1.2. Distribution energy 5
1.2.1. Diesel generator unit 5
1.2.2. Hybrid systems 6
1.3. Renewable energy condition 6
1.3.1. Reason of underdevelopment RES 9
1.3.2. Support RES 9
2. Cause study 11
2.1. Basic information 11
2.1.1. Location 11
2.1.2. Wheatear 12
2.1.3. Absence the high-voltage connection 14
2.2. Consumption analysis 14
2.2.1. Daily load 16
2.3. Generators 18
2.4. Economic analysis 19
3. Power hybrid supply system 22
3.1. Design 22
3.2. Criteria 23
3.3. Possible solutions 24
3.3.1. Potential of biomass energy 25
3.3.2. Potential of hydropower energy 26
4. Wind potential 27
4.1. Wind condition in T omsk region 27
4.2. Wind condition in Lisitsa
4.2.1. Long-term fluctuation 29
4.2.2. Wind speed and wind gust 30
4.2.3. Distribution of wind energy 32
4.2.4. Wind distribution function 34
4.3. Wind turbines 36
4.4. Conclusion 37
5. Photovoltaic condition 40
5.1. Solar energy in Lisitsa 41
5.1.1. Daily sunshine duration 41
5.1.2. Azimuth and latitude 43
5.1.3. Radiation 44
5.2. Conclusion 45
6.System dimensions 46
6.1. Solar panels 46
6.2. System dimensions 48
7.System design 50
7.1. Diesel generators unit 50
7.1.1. Generator АД-40 50
7.2. Photovoltaic 51
7.2.1. Panels connection 51
7.2.2. Inverters 51
7.2.3. Overvoltage protection 52
7.2.4. Monitoring relay 54
7.2.5. Cables 55
7.3. Electrical scheme 56
8. Financial analysis 58
8.1. HPS production 58
8.2. Costs 59 
8.3. Price of electricity 61
8.4. Payback period 62
8.5. Net present value 63
8.6. Internal rate of return 65
9.Social responsibility 66
Conclusion 69
Sources 70
Appendix 74
Figure 1 - Maps of electrification and population density of Russian Federation 4
Figure 2 - Map of Tomsk region 11
Figure 3 - Average monthly temperature in Bely Yar in the 2015 13
Figure 4 - Electricity of local grid 15
Figure 5 - Load profile in rural areas 16
Figure 6 - Load profile in Lisitsa 17
Figure 7 - The percentage of generated energy to specific diesel generators 18
Figure 8 - Monthly cost for one kilowatt hour 21
Figure 9 - Average annual wind specific power map 28
Figure 10 - Wind speed and wind gust 31
Figure 11 - In the left graph is measure the time wind blows in each direction and in
the right average wind speed across all directions 33
Figure 12 - Distribution of energy across all directions 34
Figure 13 - Wind speed distribution function 35
Figure 14 - Map of potential annual solar energy in Tomsk region 41
Figure 15 - Daily sunshine per year 2015 in Belyy Yar and Tomsk 42
Figure 16 - Irradiance-dependent normalized relative efficiency graph 47
Figure 17 - Comparison of April consumption with production of PV plants 48
Figure 18 - PCF-10DC 53
Figure 19 - SPUM 53
Figure 20 - DPC-02 54
Figure 21 - Electrical scheme of the PV-diesel hybrid power supply system 57
Figure 22 - Monthly quantities of generating electricity by PV plant 58
Figure 23 - Cost structure of typical HPS system 59
Figure 24 - Comparison of cash flow and discount cumulative cash flow 65
Figure 25 - Price for barrel of oil in London stock exchange (1990-2015) 67
Figure 26 - Monthly profile of photovoltaic production 77
Table 1 - Installed capacity of renewable energy as of 01.01.2010 in Russia 8
Table 2 - Depending of power capacity of wind on wind speed and temperature. .. 13
Table 3 - Calculation of cost for electricity 20
Table 4 - Criteria of power hybrid supply system in Lisitsa 24
Table 5 - Technical specification of wind turbines 37
Table 6 - Annual energy capture and price for kWh generated by wind turbine 38
Table 7 - Technical specification of solar panel 47
Table 8 - Parameters of invertors used in PV plant 52
Table 9 - Cost for hybrid system 60
Table 10 -Cash flow 63
Table 11 - SWOT analysis of stand-alone diesel power supply system 66
Table 12 - SWOT analysis of the hybrid power supply system 68
Table A1 - Wind velocity and direction(Feb-June.2015, Jan.2016) 74
Table A2 - Wind velocity and direction (July-December.2015) 75
Table A3 - Calculation of photovoltaic potential in Lisitsa 76
Table A4 - Consumption analysis in Lisitsa 78
Table A5 - Daily consumption calculation 79-79
Table A6 -Diesel generator characteristics 790

Выпускная квалификационная работа 86 с., 26 рис., 18 табл.,
28 источников, 6 прил.
Ключевые слова: Гибридная системы электроснабжения, автономный
потребитель, ДЭС, фотоэлектростанции
Объектом исследования является Использование возобновляемых источников энергии, как вторичного источника в гибридной системе электроснабжения поселка в Томской области
Цель работы - Определить возможность и целесообразность использования
возобновляемых источников энергии, для снижения затрат на производство электрической энергии и повышения уровня жизни в поселке Лисица Томской области
Методы исследования аналитический, проектный, экспериментальный,
изучение литературы
В результате исследования был проведен анализ технического и
экономического потенциала возобновляемых источников энергии в Лисице, их возможность и целесообразность использования в гибридной системе электроснабжения совместно с ДЭС, произведен выбор схемы и основных компонентов, входящих в систему. В исследовании произведен расчет максимальной возможности использования фотоэлектрических панелей в составе гибридной системы без использования батарей.
Степень внедрения: Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для
снижения стоимости затрат на дизельное топливо и стоимость получаемой электрической энергии в поселке Лисица Томской области
Область применения: Результаты исследования могут быть использованы как
методика для оценки возможности и рациональности использования возобновляемых источников энергии в децентрализованных системах электроснабжения, с питанием от дизельных электростанций, а также как проект для установки гибридной системы электроснабжения в поселке Лисица Томской области
Экономическая значимость работы Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для снижения стоимости затрат на дизельное топливо и стоимость получаемой электрической энергии в поселке Лисица Томской области
В будущем планируется С ростом цен на дизельное топливо, привлекательность проекта будет только увеличиваться, и предложенная схема гибридной системы электроснабжения представляет собой выгодный вариант снижения общих затрат и устранения зависимости от цен на топливо

The absence of access to central power grid is relevant problem for many Russian regions, which have bad geographical conditions or low density of people. It is the optimal design of decentralized energy supply systems, what is one of the most important problems of modern power engineering in Russia. Price of electricity in the rural areas without electrification is several times bigger than the price for customers connected to the central grid. The reasons are in high fuel transportation costs, poor maintenance of the generating equipments and changeable load diagram leading to ineffective work conditions for generating equipments. The need in improving the performance of these systems generates an interest to hybrid power systems, which contain several types of power sources. These systems have better technical and economical characteristics, provides reliable power supply for different autonomous customers. In this context an optimal design of hybrid power systems is quite reasonable and relevant question nowadays.
The aim of this work is to contribute to solving the aforementioned problem by designing a hybrid power supply system for concrete village based on real data of consumption. It includes the creation of a technical and economical documentation of the HPS system, which provides reasoning for the installation of the system and an analysis of its effectiveness. System will be designed like the extension of diesel generator unit with using the real data of its operating. For achieving the goal is necessary to choose the second source, specify the installed capacity, analyze the load coverage, choose the components and give a technical and economic analysis of the system.
Further investigation of the importance of topic and choice for the object of research are provided in the Chapter 1. Chapter 2 presents the basic info about village mainly consumption and the technology of the production of electricity by diesel generators. Criteria and designing process of the system are described in
Chapter 3. Chapter 4 and 5 contains the analysis of potential use wind and photovoltaic energy in HPS system. The Chapters 6 and 7 contain the technical design of HPS system - sizing, choosing components and description of system. Chapter 8 includes economic analysis of system and in the Chapter 9 is describing the impact of the new system on living condition in Lisitsa.
This master thesis is part of the joint master program between Czech Technical University in Prague and Tomsk Polytechnic University, so it is based on the data of TPU and its extension in form of master thesis on the similar topic will be created in CTU.

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The problem of energy supply for the decentralized customers is not a trivial problem. There are not only technological, but also economic, social, ecological and many other boundaries and restrictions. This work combines those boundaries and comprises a deep technical analysis with extensive and modern economic evaluation.
According the analysis of current process of generating electricity we can see how ineffective can be a diesel unit in case that they are oversized. Price for electricity increased not only for low efficiency of diesel generators, but also because of enormous costs for transporting of fuel. Price on the level of 50 rubles per kilowatt hour is the main reason, which limits the quantity of electricity consumed by households as well as the company. The first output of labour is the recommendation for purchase new diesel generator that would work more effectively at the basic load.
The greatest potential for exploitation from renewable energy resources has photovoltaic and despite the fact that Lisitsa is located in the northernmost area of Tomsk region. Optimization of production was achieved by selecting a solar panel that achieves 15-16% efficiency even at low radiation levels. The biggest problem in the design of the system was the right sizing. (nadimenzovanie) Daily consumption of 1.1 MWh did not allow the use of batteries. Even in case it would be able to store only 25% of daily consumption, purchase of battery will increase total investment costs threefold. The system was therefore sizing so that neither under ideal weather and the greatest level of radiation the production will be only 60% of consumption. Selecting the components was not technically challenging, it was necessary to modify the setting genset controller.
From economic point of view, project has a quick payback period and high net present value. This is mainly due to costs for transport of fuel which will reduced.

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