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Thermo-electro-mechanical modeling of thermal fatigue failure process of corset samples from single-crystal nickel superalloys

Работа №64204

Тип работы

Авторефераты (РГБ)



Объем работы10
Год сдачи2020
Стоимость2000 руб.
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The results of computations of the thermal and stress-strain state of single¬crystal corset specimens subjected to the action of periodic electric current, leading to variable inhomogeneous heating and subsequent thermal fatigue failure, are presented. The influence of maximum value and range of tem¬perature and also delay time at the maximum temperature on the number of cycles before the macrocrack formation is investigated. Comparison of the computational results with the experimental data for various single-crystal nickel-based superalloys showed a good accuracy.

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The results of the computations show a good agreement with the experiment, which suggests that the finite-element computations in combination with ap¬plication of deformational criterion can be used to predict the thermal-fatigue strength of various single-crystal superalloy samples in wide range tempera¬tures.

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Artem V. Savikovskii,SPbSPU,Politechnicheskaya 29;195251,St.Petersburg,Russia
Artem S. Semenov,SPbSPU,Politechnicheskaya 29;195251, St.Petersburg, Russia
Leonid B. Getsov,NPO CKTI,Politechnicheskaya 24;194021,St. Petersburg,Russia

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