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Перевод текста с русского на английский "Problems of entrepreneurial development"

Работа №2067

Тип работы

Контрольные работы


английский язык

Объем работы3
Год сдачи2014
Стоимость350 руб.
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1. Schumpeter, J.A. The Theory of Economic Development. New York, Oxford Press, 1961.
2. Gough, J.W. The Rise of the Entrepreneur. New York: Schocken Books, 1970.
3. Charles W. Hofer University of Georgia. Ram Charan Management Counselor, Dallas, Texas. The Transition to Professional Management: Mission Impossible? American Journal of Small Business, Vol, IX, No, 1, Summer 1984.
4. Recognizing Growing Pains and Assessing the Need for Change. Chapter Three.
5. Donald C. Hambrick. Colambia Univercity, Lynn M. Crozier. Citibank. Stumblers and stars in the management of rapid growth.
6. Suzanne Lane, Joseph Astrachan, Andrew Keyt, Kristi McMillan. Guidelines for Family Business Boards of Directors.
7. Danny Miller, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller. Family Governance and Firm Performance: Agency, Stewardship, and Capabilities. FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW, vol. XIX, no. 1, March 2006.
8. Michael Carney. Corporate Governance and Competitive Advantage in Family- Controlled Firms. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY and PRACTICE. May, 2005.

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