The problem of translation in formal vocabulary and slang in the novel “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer / Проблема передачи неформальной и сленговой лексики в переводе с английского на русский язык на материале романа Дж.С. Фоера «Жутко громко и запредельно близко»
1.1. The concept of slang 8
1.2. Functions of the slang of the youth 12
1.3. Ways of replenishment of slang vocabulary. 16
1.4. The concept of informal vocabulary. Functions of informal vocabulary. 18
1.5. The problem of adequacy and equivalence in the translation of literary texts. 21
1.6. The problem and ways of translating slang and informal vocabulary in a literary text. 23
1.7. Features and problems of translating the child character's speech 30
Conclusion to chapter 1. 32
2.1. Jonathan Safran Foer: biography and works. The novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. 34
2.2. Slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close 36
2.3. Dysphemistic translation as a method of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 37
2.4. Lexical substitution as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 44
2.5. Lexical equivalent as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 48
2.6. Grammatical substitution as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 51
2.7. Omission as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 55
2.8. Modulation as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 58
2.9. Compensation as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 60
2.10. Euphemistic translation as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 62
2.11. Tracing as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 64
2.12. Concretization as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 65
2.13. Addition as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 66
2.14. Antonymic translation as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 68
2.15. Descriptive translation as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extemely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 68
2.16. Generalization as a way of translating slang and informal vocabulary in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its functions. 69
Conclusion to chapter 2. 70
At the moment, the spoken language is of interest to scientists and researchers around the world. This interest can be caused by a variety of reasons, one of which is that the spoken language, and especially the language of the youth, is constantly changing and developing, which gives researchers the opportunity to study, analyze and observe it. It is worth noting that according to Yu. Skrebnev, "the spoken language is in some sense a minimal system of the national language, ... the most important in the range of social and individual significance." [Skrebnev, 1985: 87] Thus, the spoken language represents not only a vast layer of information for studying, but also is the most important language component, since "oral communication continues to be the most important sphere of language functioning" [Skrebnev,1985: 87].
Speaking about the spoken language andthe language of the youth, many researchers refer to such terms as "informal vocabulary"and "slang". Atthe moment, slang is a serious topic for debate and discussion, as scientists disagree on how to define this concept and what to consider slang vocabulary. According to T.V. Mizyurina, "the literary and linguistic norm is becoming less defined and mandatory. One of the reasons for this state of the language is the intensive penetration of words and expressions that were traditionally considered slang into the literary language." [p.107] Thus, slang expressions and colloquial language also invade literary works, which is another scientific problem.
Jonathan Safran Foer's novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is one of the literary works where slang and informal vocabulary are among some of the most important components of the character's speech peculiarities. The language of the novel is primarily that of Oskar Schell,a teenage boy. Foer uses a lot of slang and informal expressions to create a linguistic characteristic and image of his character, which are undoubtedly difficult to translate.
At the moment, the novel is actively studied, but only a few works are dedicated to the analysis of slang, as well as its translation into various languages. Slang and informal vocabulary are always of an interest of researchers, but there are still a lot of controversies related to classifications of slang and informal vocabulary translation techniques. Thus, the lack of a complete analysis and comparison of slang units and informal vocabulary in the novel and the absence of a single classification of translation technique for such informal and slang units determines the relevance of our research.
The object of the study are informal and slang units.
The subject of the study are informal and slang units found in Jonathan Safran Foer's novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and a variant of its translation into Russian.
The purpose of the graduation project is to identify the functions of informal and slang vocabulary in the novel by Safran Foer's Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and determine the features of translating such vocabulary into Russian.
To achieve the research goal, we need to perform a number of tasks:
1. Analyze existing definitions of slang and identify its characteristic features;
2. Research the concept of informal vocabulary in different interpretations and highlight its features;
3. Review the theoretical foundations of translation theory;
4. Analyze existing classifications of the functions of slang and informal vocabulary, as well as the techniques of translation of such units;
5. Present our own classifications of functions and translation techniques of slang and informal vocabulary;
6. Identify units of slang and informal vocabulary in the novel by J. Safran Foer's Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and its translation into Russian;
7. Compare the identified units in the original text of the novel and in its translation into Russian from the point of view of various translation techniques and functions of slang and informal vocabulary.
The following research methods were used in the thesis:
1. Comparativeanalysis.
2. Componentanalysis.
3. Quantitative analysis;
4. Descriptionmethod;
5. Generalizationmethod.
The theoretical basis of the graduation projectare the works of V.A. Khomyakov, A. D. Schweizer, E. Partridge, L.S. Barkhudarov, V. N. Komissarov, L. M. Borisova,etc.
The practical (analytical) part of the research is based on the original text of Jonathan Safran Foer's novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, as well as a variant of its English translation made by V. Arkanov.
The scientific novelty of our research is due to the presentation of new classifications on the basis of analysis of the new material which is the novel.
The practical significance of this research lies in the further use of the classifications in translation practice.
The theoretical significance of the research consists in the study of the features of informal and slang vocabulary, and applying new methods of working with these concepts.
Structure of the graduation project: the graduation project consists of an introduction, two chapters with paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.
In the conclusion of the conducted research, we may summarize the following.
In the first chapter we have worked with such terms as slang and informal vocabulary. We have considered specific traits, functions, ways of replenishment of these two linguistic layers. Thus, we have come to the conclusion that slang and informal vocabulary are two different layers that are connected and have common functions; and these layers are used to achieve liveliness, expressiveness and imagery in speech. We should mention that informal vocabulary is not considered to be a marker of violation of the norm, which is different for slang because it is seen as non-literary and stylistically marked vocabulary.
Along with these two terms, we have also observed the problems that a translator might face during the translation process. One of the main issue a translator might come along is the problem of equivalence and adequacy of translation. During our research, we came to the conclusion that equivalence is a barely achievable ideal that is worth striving for but is difficult to reach. Despite that, a translator must strive at least for the adequacy of translation. As slang and informal vocabulary are used a lot in literary texts to create an image of a character, show their origin, age, interests, social status, education, etc., a translator must be acquainted not only with the language itself, but also with the culture and norms of the country, specific of slang usage, style of the author, background of the story, etc., thus to achieve adequacy.
Also, during the translation process a translator might find help in different ways of translation. Transformations are one of the ways to solve translation problems because sometimes dictionary equivalent is not enough to achieve maximal equivalence. Thus, we have proposed our own classification of transformations, which is based on the work of different researchers and scientists.
Besides that, we have considered the peculiarities of a speech of a child. The importance of it is explained by the fact that the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is mostly written from the perspective of a child.
In the second chapter we have got acquainted with the figure of Jonathan Safran Foer, his way in literature and his works. The novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is one of the most well-known works of the writer. Its heartbreaking theme, unique writing style, appealing characters have mesmerized audience all over the world.
In the text the usage of slang and informal units plays an important role as they help to create an authentic, lively style of speech that portrays characters of different age, backgrounds, social statuses, and worldviews. It is also an artistical device in the text. Slang and informal units in the text are different, vivid, and unique. We have found 182 sentences with 271 slang and informal units in them. The main purpose of the graduation project was to identify the functions of informal and slang vocabulary in the novel by Safran Foer's Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and determine the features of translating such vocabulary into Russian. Thus, it is effectually to look at some of the conclusions we have come to:
1. We have proposed out own classification of functions of slang and informal units, which includes emotionally-expressive, esoteric, resource saving, cognitive-nominative, demonstrative, communicative function;
2. Based on our own classifications of functions of slang and informal vocabulary, we analyzed the units and found out that the most commonly seen functions are emotionally-expressiveand demonstrative. Emotionally-expressive function is released in 119 examples. This function is mostly seen in the speech of Oskar, the main child character. The prevalence of this function is explained by the fact that slang and informal vocabulary is an expressive layer, which main characteristic is to add emotionality to speech, thus, the spread of this functions is not surprising. Demonstrative function is used in 49 examples, and it also plays a significant role in the usage of slang and informal vocabulary. Due to the demonstrative function, the author and the translator have an opportunity to create a character, adding details to the image.
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