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Язык работы:

Контрольная английский язык 11 листов

Работа №1169

Тип работы

Контрольные работы


английский язык

Объем работы11
Год сдачи2015
Стоимость900 руб.
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7. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите время глагола-сказуемого.
1) Many experiments are carried out by the pharmaceutical students during their studies. 2) Drug effects will be described after a number of experiments. 3) It is known that morphine was isolated after a number of experiments. 4) Were chemical and physical properties of inorganic substances thoroughly studied during last practical classes in chemistry? 5) Galenical preparations will be produced according to the needs of medical knowledge. 6) Sodium salts are prepared from the carbonate or hydroxide.
8. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Indefinite Passive.
9. Поставьте следующие предложения в пассивный залог.
10. Прочитайте и переведите нижеследующий текст. Ответьте на вопросы к нему.
Chemistry and Human Health.
Plastics, synthetic fibers and materials are becoming firmly established in medicine, helping physicians to combat many diseases. Chemistry in the health serves stands for highly effective medicines, blood substitutes, artificial organs, plastic teeth, hearing aids, etc. Today over 3 000 medical items are made from polymers in our country.
Plastics are used especially widely in orthopaedy. Artificial fingers and hands are formed from elastic plastics
Our otolaryngologists are making an artificial middle ear out of plastics.
Chemistry is widely employed in dentistry. Plastic teeth are durable, comfortable, light, hygienic and retain the colour of natural teeth. Plastics as hard as metals are produced for fillings.
Chemistry gives people not only modern machinery, additional millions of tons of grain and agricultural products, but it also assists our doctors in their noble work.
11. Прочитайте и переведите нижеследующий текст. Ответьте на вопросы к нему.
Importance of Carbon Chemistry
It is well known that the elements carbon plays an important work in the life of Earth.
Although there are 89 other naturally occurring elements, the number of known carbon compounds is many times greater than that of those which contain carbon.
The very large and important branch of dentistry which studies carbon compounds is called organic chemistry.
The importance of carbon chemistry for man is great. Every month several hundred new organic compounds are prepared. A very few number may provide an important explanation of the mechanism of fundamental chemical reaction in the human body. Most become laboratory findings and have no practical application.
The preparation of new and different compounds through chemical reaction is called organic synthesis. The million or so organic compounds were synthesized in the laboratories of the world in the past 150 years.
Complex mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds occur in very large quantities in nature as petroleum and natural gas. Many other organic compounds are prepared from These materials after They are separated into their constituents, for example, plastic vessels, acrylic fibers, vinyl paints, etc.
12. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и скажите, все ли они верны.
1) Carbon doesn't play an important work in the life of harm. 2) The number of known carbon compounds is many times greater than of those which contain no carbon. 3) A great number of organic compounds may explain the mechanism of fundamental chemical reaction in the human body. 4) Organic synthesis is a preparation of new compounds through chemical reaction. 5) Organic chemistry studies inorganic compounds. 13. Прочитайте и переведите нижеследующий текст.
Chemistry and Nutrition.
As early as 1820 the amino acids glycine and leucine were isolated in crystalline form from solutions prepared by heating proteins with mineral acid. By the end of the nineteenth century the nature and role in nutrition of the proteins, carbohydrates, fats and the most important minerals were established. In the twentieth century the vitamins and the elements required only in small amounts were discovered.
In the vitamin field the efforts of the chemists ate especially large. Since about 1930 chemists have isolated one after another vitamins in their pore form, determined their chemical nature and in most cases synthesized them. The most important now in commercial production arc vitamin A, made by partial synthesis from B-ionine, vitamin D2 by irradiation of ergosterol, vitamin Ш by irradiation of 7-dehydrochlorosterol, vitamin В by total synthesis, riboflavin by a fermentation procedure, nicotine acid and nicotine amide by synthesis, ascorbic acid (тот glucose by a series of chemical and biological stages and vitamin В 12 by fermentation. All these vitamins are produced more cheaply than they could be obtained from natural sources.
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